Sunday, July 7, 2013

How very Ina Garten of me....

I had a professor in college with the driest sense of humor I'd ever seen on a person. I'm still not sure if he had a very dry sense of humor or no sense of humor...anyway, one morning I walked in to my Theatre History 4 class wearing gold sparkle ballet flats. Professor Smith walked up the aisle and stopped at my chair, looked at my shoes and said, "ah, how vey Laura Byrne of you..." 

The other day I made baked peaches that would make Jeffrey Garten say "MmmmMmm..."  They are beautiful to look at, easy to make and since I used French Vanilla Ice Cream to top it off, I would now classify this as a classic french recipe. When I was done I very Ina Garten of me. I can't take all the credit for the idea, it was all from the fresh box.

For this FANTASTIC and simple (yet impressive) dessert you will need:
2 Peaches halved, pits removed
1 Tbsp. butter 
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. of Baking Spice from Savory Spice Shop in Westifeld, NJ. 
(if you don't have the baking spice you can make your own blend with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ginger.) 
French Vanilla Ice Cream...lots of it.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place the peaches  cut-side up in a baking dish. Fill each peach cavity with a bit of butter, brown sugar, and a bit of baking spice. Pour enough water in the bottom of the pan to come about a half inch up the side of the pan. Bake about 40 minutes, until the flesh has softened and the tops are browned. Serve warm with toppings of your choice, but I highly recommend the FV Ice Cream. Serves 2, or 4 skinny people.

I hope you find your inner Ina this week. 

Make something yummy.


I'm sorry these pictures are so giant, I'm still trying to figure out the formatting on my iPad.


Waiting for the ice cream.
So tasty.

1 comment:

  1. hahah 4 skinny people! I am making these tonight!! Love this blog, I want a farm box waaaaaaa k love you swifty-5 <3
